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Dear All,

It gives me immense great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to MALLAREDDY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Affiliated to Osmania University. Our College has its deep root in the field of Higher Education over a period of 20 years since 2003. Our College is an amalgamation of experienced and expertised Faculty, State-of-the-art infrastructure and efficient and effective administration. The College came into existence with a vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for the students to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities.

Education is not a mere knowledge or facts but of values. We strongly believe that learning happen through teacher-student interaction. Our College is committed to the development of emotional and intellectual growth of the students along with academic excellence. These empower them to develop their Self-esteem, Self-awareness and Self-confidence. We believe in giving our students strong values along with a set of wings that can carry them far and wide to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Mentor system is adopted to pay attention and guide the students with their studies and extra curricular activities. A dedicated Training and Placement Cell ensures that eligible and meritorious students are placed in reputed companies.

Our College is committed in creating responsible citizens of the country who are able to adapt to the ever-changing global environment. We strive to fulfil the Parents’ trust that they bestowed on this Institution from where we derive our Strength and Inspiration.

I wish the students the very best in life and bless them with Success.

Believe in Yourself ! Have Faith in Your Abilities..!

Dr. P. Srinivasa Sastry     
Principal & Professor